Distracted drivers account for as much as 90 percent of all crashes and collisions. Drivers take their eyes off the road for a crucial few seconds, losing the time needed to avoid or mitigate the damage of an accident.

Drivers also increase the chance of a costly crash by following other vehicles too closely, departing their lane without warning or failing to see other vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians when making a turn.

The world-class Mobileye crash avoidance systems provide safety solution products that leverage the advanced technology in ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) to reduce the risk of crashes. They provide high-tech assistance to drivers, giving them real-time alerts that help them avoid risky situations that can result in injuries to them and higher repair costs and insurance rates for fleets.

The Cost of Crashes

Every year, the cost of a crash involving a commercial vehicle increases in the United States. They can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for property damage alone, and into the millions when injuries are involved.

In addition to those potential costs, fleets also mut handle vehicle repair costs as well as the potential of paying higher commercial insurance rates. These issues make investment in technology that can prevent crashes a smart move for both small and large commercial fleets.

Crash avoidance systems also can improve behind-the-wheel performance by drivers, eliminating behaviors and mistakes that can lead to injuries and fatalities.

Addressing Human Errors That Cause Accidents

Mobileye crash avoidance systems address the issues that lead to crashes involving fleet vehicles. While the details of every crash may vary, the causes typically come down to the following issues.

  • Distracted drivers. This is the No. 1 cause of crashes and collisions.
  • Inattention prior to an accident. About 80 percent of crashes involve drivers who were inattentive just three seconds before the collision occurred, meaning drivers have only two seconds to take corrective action.
  • Lane departures. This is an offshoot of becoming distracted, as drivers veer outside their lane or are struck by another vehicle that has left its lane.
  • Human errors. While other factors such as bad weather or road conditions may play a role in an accident, they often are coupled with human error. And in many cases, it’s simply human error alone

Mobileye, which is used by more than 100 million vehicles worldwide, provides ADAS that is a safety solution for fleet managers. Mobileye systems provide an alert to a driver when trouble is detected, such as when another vehicle enters the driver’s lane. These warnings give drivers that split second of advantage they need to take corrective action and avoid catastrophe.

Popular Driver Assistance Systems

Three of the most popular Mobileye ADAS include the following.

Forward Collision Warning Systems

Research into thousands of rear-end collisions shows that in 40 percent of them, the driver coming from behind never even applied the brakes. They either did not see the crash coming or did not have the seconds needed to react. An Forward Collision Warning system addresses those issues, sounding an alert and giving drivers time to apply the brakes to avoid or mitigate the severity of the crash.

Lane Departure Warning System

About 60 percent of road fatalities occur because someone unintentionally leaves their own lane. With Mobileye ADAS, drivers get a warning if they leave their lane when not using a blinker. The system detects when a vehicle’s tires have come too close to lane markings, or when they have crossed it. This driver assistance system also serves as a way to reduce instances of distracted driving.

Pedestrian Detection and Warning

Unfortunately, pedestrians are involved with 22 percent of traffic fatalities. A pedestrian detection and warning system alerts drivers when they are getting close to someone walking or cycling, providing them the seconds needed to either stop the vehicle or avoid the pedestrian.

All these systems take advantage of the statistically proven fact that just a few seconds of warning gives drivers the time they need to avoid a crash or collision with another vehicle or pedestrian.

These three driver assistance systems from Mobileye offer the best collision avoidance systems available on the market. For fleets, they can provide the crucial support drivers need to make the roads safer not only for them, but the drivers around them.